Rules and Procedures

Approved in February 2008
Last amended and adopted in February 2015


Relationship to the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

The Memorandum and Articles of Association and Appendices to these Rules and Procedures of the Team shall be interpreted through this document.


As used in the context of these Rules and Procedures, these words each have the meanings ascribed to them as follows:

'LAMRT' - Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team (the Team).

'the Membership' / 'Members' / 'Team Members' - Each word or phrase refers collectively to all classes of Members, as identified in Clause 1.0.

'the Committee' - the Trustees (who are also Directors for the purposes of company law).

'Committee Members' - Individual Members of the Committee, whether Officer, Team Leader or Ordinary Committee Member.

'the Officers' - Those Trustees who are elected to hold the positions of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Officer, Training Officer and Communications Officer.

'Ordinary Committee Members' - Those Trustees who are elected to the Committee other than as Officers.

'Medical Professional' - A fully registered medical practitioner who, in the opinion of the Team doctors, has appropriate practical medical experience.


1.0 Membership: Conditions and Responsibilities.


1.1 Membership is defined by the Team’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.

The Team has five different categories of membership, and their privileges, responsibilities and duties are defined as follows.


1.2 Full Membership shall be conferred on any person of sound body and mind who satisfies the Committee that he/she:

1 2.1 has demonstrated ability by having satisfactorily completed the Probationers' Training Syllabus by attendance at a minimum of fifty percent of the Team training sessions held in the period from acceptance as a Probationary Member up to the date of appraisal by the Committee for suitability as a Full Member, and

1.2.2 has demonstrated sufficient commitment and availability in attendance at Team incidents, and

1.2.3 has shown commitment to furthering the object of the Team, and

1.2.4 has demonstrated a general compatibility with the Team Members.

Each Full Member is entitled to vote at general meetings. Each full Member is also entitled to be elected to the office of Trustee. For the avoidance of doubt, neither of these privileges applies to any other category of membership.

In order for the Team to achieve its objects fully and competently, each Full Member is required to show the greatest commitment possible to the Team within the priorities of family, work and Team. The commitment shown by each Member will be assessed on the basis of attendance at 'full-Team incidents' (i.e. those for which the whole Team is paged) and Team training sessions.

The minimum commitment required by the Team will have been satisfied if, by the end of each calendar year, the Full Member has attended seven Team training sessions or such other numbers, in combination, of full Team callouts and training sessions as deemed to be appropriate by the Committee.

Training attendance should include a cross-section of training, and a mix of indoor and outdoor sessions.

The guideline minimum attendance of rescues is 15%, although the Committee will take overall volume of incidents and other variables into account when assessing the commitment of Members over the course of each year. The Committee will also recognise that Members’ availability will vary, and will take reasonable individual mitigating factors into account into its assessment. Significant intervals of time spent away from the area (i.e. one month or more) will be counted pro rata, as long as the Member has given advance notification of his or her absence.

Members will also actively support the general running of the Team, in addition to attendance of rescues and training. Example roles within the Team include but are not limited to: administration; fundraising; governance; maintenance of equipment, vehicles and the base; public relations; provision of and assistance with training; and acting as mentors to support Probationary Members.

Membership of the Team is open to all individuals who are able to satisfy the Committee that they fulfil the requirements of membership and suitability shall be judged purely on the skills, ability, compatibility and commitment of the individual. Further details of the Team’s commitment to equal opportunities can be found in the Team’s equal opportunities policy.

The minimum first aid requirement for becoming a Full Member is a basic first aid certificate that includes basic life support. Ideally, this would have involved at least two full days or sixteen hours of instruction and include an element of assessment. Any Full Member who has not already obtained the MREW Casualty Care Certificate during their probationary year is encouraged to do so as soon as possible in their first year of Full Membership. Only Full or Probationary Members who hold the Casualty Care Certificate may undertake or assist with the medical care of any casualty, in line with clause 1.4.8.


1.3 Supplementary Membership is a category of membership into which all Full Members who have been unable to attend at least the minimum required commitment defined in section 1.2 during the preceding calendar year are allocated. Any Full Member who allows his/her First Aid certificate to lapse will also be classified as a Supplementary Member until such time as the qualification is renewed.

1.3.1 Entry onto the list for all those not meeting the criteria in Rules & Procedures section 1.3 will be automatic, at the first Committee meeting of the calendar year. Only in exceptional individual circumstances may the criteria be changed at the discretion of the Committee. However, any Full Member may apply to be incorporated within the category at any time if he/she wishes to temporarily reduce his/her commitment to the Team.

1.3.2 Entrants into Supplementary Membership shall be interviewed discreetly and in confidence by the Team Leader and/or Deputy Team Leaders at the time of entry.

1.3.3 A further interview shall be held after six months at which the options will be a return to full operational status (as evidenced by attendance on incidents and at Team training sessions up to the half year), a further period of Supplementary Membership or removal from Full Membership, at the discretion of the Committee.

1.3.4 Retention of Supplementary Membership shall normally be restricted to twelve months from entry into the category, but this period may be extended at the discretion of the Committee, which shall take due account of any recommendations made by the Team Leader and Deputies in arriving at its decision.

1.3.5 Supplementary Members shall be allowed to retain Team equipment issued to them for as long as the Committee shall deem appropriate, but shall return all or any of such items immediately upon being requested to do so by the Equipment Officer, acting under the direction of the Committee. Supplementary Members shall not be issued with any further Team or personal equipment whilst they remain on the supplementary list.

1.3.6 The voting rights which accrue to every Full Member shall be suspended for the duration of Supplementary Membership, as shall the right to participate in calling for an EGM.

1.3.7 A Supplementary Member shall not hold the position of Trustee. Any incumbent of such a position shall forthwith relinquish it upon entry into Supplementary Membership and shall be precluded from standing for selection until he/she has met the criteria of Full Membership.


1.4 Probationary Membership is the initial level of Membership for entrants to the Team.

1.4.1 Probationary Membership shall be granted to applicants who complete the 'Application for Membership' form included in the LAMRT Management Guidelines (which is enclosed as Attachment 1 to this document), who satisfies the Committee that he/she:

  • is in sound medical condition, relative to the activities of the Team, and
  • is eighteen years of age, or older, and
  • resides in the area for which the Team is the primary call mountain rescue team, and
  • has a basic competency in mountaineering, and
  • has a mature and responsible outlook, and
  • does not have personal circumstances which obviously preclude the level of commitment required by the Team, and
  • holds a current and relevant first aid certificate, and
  • demonstrates the skills identified by his/her Application Form and/or skills from time to time added or substituted by the Committee as being a basic requirement for Full Members, and
  • has signed an undertaking to be bound by the Team Constitution and by these Rules & Procedures.

1.4.2 Probationary Members shall not have voting rights.

1.4.3 The Training Officer shall monitor Probationary Members and the Committee shall formally review their progress quarterly, in consultation with an assigned mentor as appropriate. The Training Officer shall convey to each Probationary Member the results of these reviews, being assessment of progress or decisions regarding acceptance or rejection, as appropriate.

1.4.4 The period of Probationary Membership shall normally be twelve months.

1.4.5 Acceptance/rejection of Probationary Members into/from Full Membership is part of the routine business of the Team and shall require the assent of seventy five percent of Committee Members present and competent to vote at a Committee Meeting.

1.4.6 Probationary Members who are to be considered for Full Membership shall be excluded from the Committee Meeting on that occasion, to allow full and frank discussion of the candidate's suitability. The Secretary shall keep a confidential record of all such discussions separate from the published minutes of the meeting.

1.4.7 Probationary Members are generally encouraged to attend Team incidents, but only: after a successful review after six months and being issued with a pager or equivalent, and under the direct supervision of a Full Member assigned ad hoc to that task, other than in respect of any rescue related specialist skill that they possess and have previously demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Training Sub Committee, together with their familiarity with relevant Team equipment and procedures.

Receipt of call-out messages via the Team’s email distribution list does not entitle probationary members to attend Team incidents prior to a successful 6-month review.

1.4.8 Under no circumstances shall Probationary Members administer First Aid treatment on Team incidents, in particular drugs, either orally or by injection, nor shall they use or operate any Team medical equipment, unless: they are Medical Professionals or have, while Probationary Members with the Team, obtained the Casualty Care Certificate or such equivalent Mountain Rescue qualification as currently prevails, and they have previously demonstrated their familiarity with that equipment and Team procedures they are acting under the authority and supervision of an appropriately qualified Full Member.


1.5 The Committee may also if it wishes maintain the category of Support Member. This category may, but not necessarily inclusively, include those from the supplementary list who skills knowledge or expertise the Team wish to retain those whose primary association is with another team but who spend significant amounts of time in the Team’s primary call out area and others whom the Committee see fit to offer this class of membership to.

1.5.1 Members in this category shall have the same rights and responsibilities as supplementary membership sub clauses 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 and shall at all times only act within the limit of their skills and knowledge.

1.5.2 The Committee shall review membership of this category at the first Committee meeting of the new calendar year to consider the suitability for continued membership for the year and the duties and responsibilities members of this category may assume.

1.5.3 It is the Committee’s responsibility to be aware of skills and experience of Members who have been offered this category of membership.


1.6 Honorary Membership is a category of membership which may be conferred by the Committee on any person who satisfies the criteria decided upon from time to time by the Committee, who is proposed and seconded, and who receives the assent of a simple majority of the Committee Members present and competent to vote at a routine Committee Meeting.

1.6.1 Honorary Members shall not have voting rights, but shall nevertheless be bound by the Rules and Procedures of the Team.

1.6.2 The list of Honorary Members shall be reviewed annually at the Committee Meeting immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting and the Committee shall modify or confirm the list as it sees fit so as to enable ratification at the following AGM as a normal item of business.


2.0 Committee: Authority and Responsibilities.


2.1 The Committee shall have absolute authority for the management of all aspects of the Team's affairs conferred upon it by the Memorandum and Articles of Association.


2.2 The Committee shall meet routinely each calendar month, normally on the first Tuesday. All Full Members are entitled to attend these routine Committee Meetings in accordance with the following rules.

2.2.1 Only Committee Members are entitled to vote.

2.2.2 Committee Members should declare a conflict of interest before any vote is taken where there may be a pecuniary business or personal interest in the outcome. This should be duly recorded in the minutes of the meeting. (Examples of conflict of interest may include, but are not exclusively limited to, commercial benefit from a contract, business relationship with a supplier of goods or services, personal friendship with a person under discussion. If in doubt a declaration should be made.)

2.2.3 An Agenda shall be issued to Committee Members by the Secretary. Generally, only items on the agenda shall be debated at Committee Meetings and only by Committee Members.

2.2.4 Items of significant new expenditure should not normally be brought to the Committee without previous notification, either at the previous Committee meeting or by circulation to Committee Members at least seven days prior to the meeting. In exceptional circumstances significant new expenditure may be ratified but consultation with the Committee between meetings though agreement of 75% of those competent and eligible to vote must be secured.

2.2.5 A Member who is not a Committee Member may petition or address the Committee in person only with the express permission or invitation of the Chairperson.

2.2.6 Any Member who wishes the Committee to consider any matter at a Committee Meeting shall notify the Secretary in writing no later than seven days in advance of the Meeting.


2.3 Committee Members shall act in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association and with the document ‘The Role of a Committee Member’, appended to these Rules and Procedures.


2.4 The Chairperson shall ensure that the administration of the Team is conducted efficiently, effectively and equitably. When charged to do so by the Committee, he/she shall represent the Team to the media and liaise with external authorities and organisations.


2.5 Acting under the general direction of the Committee, the Secretary shall:

2.5.1 give notices, publish agenda and issue Statements of Accounts/ Treasurer's Reports for all General and Committee Meetings in accordance with Article 6.2 of the Constitution, and

2.5.2 record the proceedings of all General and Committee meetings, and

2.5.3 conduct the general correspondence of the Team, and

2.5.4 receive records of the proceedings of all sub committee meetings which shall be submitted for that purpose by the Chairpersons of the sub committees, and

2.5.5 maintain all such records and correspondence safely and in good order and available for inspection at any reasonable time.


2.7 Acting under the general direction of the Committee, the Treasurer shall:

2.7.1 prepare a Statement of Accounts annually as at 31 December, to ensure that the Accounts are audited and to provide the Secretary with a copy of the audited Accounts twenty one days in advance of the AGM, and

2.7.2 keep whatever bank accounts and financial records are necessary for the purpose of fulfilling statutory requirements in order to maintain charitable status, and

2.7.3 procure whatever advice is deemed necessary to enable the Committee to take best advantage of any financial investments it may from time to time take on and

2.7.4 pay into the bank promptly all monies received by him/her, and

2.7.5 produce records to the Committee when required to do so, and

2.7.6 produce a written summary of the current financial situation at each Committee Meeting, and

2.7.7 be responsible for ensuring prompt responses to the receipt by the Team of all incoming monies by whatever means, and

2.7.8 maintain all such records and correspondence safely and in good order and available for inspection at any reasonable time.


2.8 Acting under the general direction of the Committee, the Equipment Officer shall

2.8.1 act as Chairperson of the Equipment Sub Committee, with ex officio power to co opt and delegate ad hoc assistance from Members, and

2.8.2 procure, maintain and replace technical rescue equipment as necessary to enable the Team to meet its object, and

2.8.3 subject to sub Clause 6.7, issue Team Equipment to Team Members and shall retrieve the same as specifically instructed by the Committee, and

2.8.4 maintain an inventory of all Team equipment in conjunction with the Chairpersons of subcommittees as appropriate, and

2.8.5 maintain such records as are necessary to enable him/her to satisfy the duties in sub clause 2.7.2 above.


2.9 Acting under the general direction of the Committee, the Training Officer shall

2.9.1 act as Chairperson of the training Sub Committee, with ex officio power to co opt and delegate ad hoc assistance from Members, and

2.9.2 bring recommendation as necessary for the training and development of Team Members to fulfil the current operational needs of the Team and any legislation that may be enacted from time to time.

2.9.3 bring recommendation as necessary to the Committee for the acceptance of applicants for the Team to be given probationer status. Provide information and recommendations on the progress of Probationary Members to enable the Committee to monitor the progress and suitability for eventual Team membership

2 9.4 maintain an active and engaging training programme that maintains the level of competence of Team Members and the operational capabilities of the Team. Ensuring that suitable systems are in place to recognise and manage any and all risks associated with the training programme.

2.9.5 maintain such records as are necessary to enable him/her to satisfy the duties in sub clause 2.9.2, 2.9.3.and 2.9.4. above, also such that appropriate levels of records may be maintained in accordance with current legislation or additional legislation that may be enacted from time to time and such additional records as deemed necessary by the Committee.

2.9.6 maintain records such that the training completed by each Team Member can be readily identified and maintain such records safely and in good order and available for inspection at any reasonable time.


2.10 The Committee will work in the spirit of fairness and openness to resolve matters of dispute within the Team. In order that it may do so, it will require that such resolutions be requested formally through the Chairperson or Secretary. It has the right to disregard matters of dispute that it does not consider to be properly substantiated by evidence.


3.0 Officers and Ordinary Committee Members: Selection.


3.1 The Trustees shall hold the office of Officers and Ordinary Committee Members, and shall be elected to such positions at general meetings. They shall be drawn from Full Members who possess the Skills and Attributes described in the LAMRT Management Guidelines appended to these Rules and Procedures as Attachment 1 and shall undertake the General Roles and Responsibilities and the Specific Duties stipulated therein.


3.2 Selection of Officers and Ordinary Committee Members shall be by election at a General Meeting in accordance with the following procedure:

3.2.1 nominations for the posts of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Team Leader (in accordance with section 5) Equipment Officer, Training Officer, Communications Officer and/or the five Ordinary Committee Members shall be submitted to the Secretary in writing to be received no later than twenty one days in advance of the AGM. Compliant nominations shall be notified to the Membership no later than fourteen days in advance of the AGM.

3.2.2 voting shall be by secret ballot by Full Members present and competent to vote and the Secretary shall prepare Ballot papers accordingly. Proxy votes on the recognised ballot form and signed by the Team Member may be lodged with the Chairperson up to 24 hours before the due start of the meeting. A Team Member either vote in person or by proxy and must inform the chairperson of their intention to vote in person if they have duly registered a proxy vote. The Chairperson shall, with the assent of the Full Members present and competent to vote at the meeting, appoint two tellers, who shall be charged with counting the votes including those proxies duly registered with the chairperson.

3.2.3 election shall be by simple majority, with a quorum of fifty one percent of the Full Members being in attendance at the meeting. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall use his/her second and casting vote.

3.2.4 during the election of the Chairperson the past Chairperson shall step down even if they are seeking re-election and are unopposed and the chairing of the meeting shall be taken over by the Team president if they are in attendance, or the Team Leader or one of the other officers if the president is unavailable. The duly elected chairperson shall resume the business of the meeting from the point of their election.


3.3 Committee Members shall be elected to serve three years, in the periodic cycles shown below:

3.3.1 Chairperson, Equipment Officer, and one Ordinary Committee Member.

3.3.2 Secretary, Training Officer, Team Leader and two Ordinary Committee Members.

3.3.3 Treasurer, Communications Officer and two Ordinary Committee Members.


3.4 If a motion of no confidence in the incumbent Committee at large, or any individual Officer or Ordinary Committee Member, duly seconded and supported in writing by sixty percent of the Full Members is submitted to the Chairperson, the Chairperson shall forthwith publish a date for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and invite proposals for replacements. At the EGM the subject of the motion shall resign and a replacement shall be elected to serve the residue of the period of tenure remaining, following the procedure set out in Clauses 3.1 and 3.2 above.


3.5 In the event that an Officer or Ordinary Committee Member shall resign of his/her own volition, without completing the prescribed period, the Committee, including the person resigning (at the option of the other Committee Members) shall co opt a Full Member as a replacement. The duration of the co option shall extend only up to the next AGM, when the Committee shall invite the nomination of candidates for election for the residue of the period of tenure prescribed for that position and may itself propose the former appointee, but only if unanimous.


3.6 A replacement Committee Member who serves less than one year may stand for re election at the next AGM when the three year period for that position expires.


3.7 Should any of the events identified in Clause 5.6 below occur in the year that the Chairperson is due for re election then, subject to the wishes of the incumbent, that re election shall be deferred for one year. The subsequent period of tenure of the incoming Chairperson shall then run for two years in order to maintain the rota of Team Officer selection.



4.0 Team Leader and Deputy Leader(s): Authority and Responsibilities.


4.1 The Team Leader and Deputy(ies) are responsible to the Full Members for the management of all operational activities of the Team. The Deputy(ies) shall support the Team Leader in the execution of those duties and shall stand in place of the Team Leader in his/her absence or when delegated to do so by the Team Leader or in accordance with the provisions of clause 5.7 below.


4.2 The Team Leader and Deputy(ies) shall comply with LAMRT Management Guidelines enclosed as Attachment 1 to these Rules and Procedures and shall undertake the General Roles and Responsibilities and the Specific Duties stipulated therein with the authority to ensure full compliance.



5.0 Team Leader and Deputy Leader(s): Selection.


5.1 Selection of the Team Leader and Deputy(ies) shall be by election at a General Meeting in accordance with the procedure described in clauses 3.2 and 3.3.


5.2 The Team Leader and Deputy(ies) shall be drawn from candidates who possess the Skills and Attributes described in the LAMRT Management Guidelines appended to these Rules and Procedures as Attachment 1. Any Full Member who can demonstrate his/her ability to meet the stipulated criteria may apply for consideration as a candidate. Officers and Ordinary Committee Members as defined by clause 4.3 of the Constitution, or Full Members standing for election to these positions, may also hold or stand for the position of Deputy Team Leader. Applications shall be made in writing to the Secretary not later than twenty one days in advance of the General Meeting pre designated for that purpose.


5.3 Candidates shall be interviewed by the Full Members at the General Meeting, but shall be absent during the ensuing debate.


5.4 There will normally be a maximum of four Deputy Leaders in the Team. This number may be varied by way of a simple majority vote of Full Members attending the General Meeting designated in advance to decide the issue.


5.5 The period of tenure shall normally be for three years, the Team Leader and a maximum of one Deputy Leader commencing in the year following the election of the Chairperson. A maximum of two other Deputy Leaders shall be elected in a similar manner in each of the next two years following the election of the Team Leader. Should the Full Members decide that only one Deputy Leader is required, then that Deputy Leader shall not be elected at the same general meeting as the Team Leader and there should normally be a difference of at least 1 year between elections, in order to ensure continuity of operational leadership.


5.6 A Team Leader or Deputy Leader elected in accordance with the foregoing procedure shall retain the position for three years from election, unless:

5.6.1 he/she resigns, or

5.6.2 a proposal for his/her removal, duly seconded and supported in writing by sixty percent of the Full Members of the Team is submitted to the Chairperson.


5.7 If a motion of no confidence in the incumbent Team Leader, or any Deputy Leader, duly seconded and supported in writing by sixty percent of the Full Members, is submitted to the Chairperson, the Chairperson shall thus be empowered to and shall forthwith:

5.7.1 instruct the incumbent to relinquish the Team Leader's or Deputy Leader's position, as the case may be, and

5.7.2 publish a date for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), and

5.7.3 invite proposals for a replacement(s).

In the intervening period the longest serving of the Deputy Leader(s) shall assume the role, authority and responsibilities of Team Leader, but there shall not be an interim replacement for a Deputy Leader.


5.8 A replacement shall be elected to serve the residue of the period of tenure prescribed for that position following the procedure set out in clauses 5.1 and 5.2 above.


5.9 In the event that the Committee is required to intervene in a dispute involving individual Committee Members, including disputes within the Team Leadership group if one or more Deputies are also Committee Members, it has the right to consider the presence of those Committee Members affected to be a conflict of interest and require their absence from a meeting called for the purpose if deemed appropriate. In the event that the Chairperson is required to be absent under the terms of this clause, the Committee Members present shall exercise their right under clause 2.2.5 of these Rules & Procedures and elect one amongst their number to act as Chairperson for the duration of the meeting.


6.0 Team Equipment.


All equipment owned by the Team is intended to assist the Team to fulfil its primary object; that of search and rescue. It shall be maintained in a state of operational readiness commensurate with the health and safety of casualties and Team Members and in accordance with manufacturers' instructions where applicable.


6.1 Generally, only technical rescue equipment belonging to the Team shall be used for the protection, treatment and evacuation of any casualty under the direct care and supervision of the Team and/or for the protection of the Team at large on an incident or in officially organised Team training. On joint incidents, equipment belonging to another Mountain Rescue team involved in the incident may be used by Team Members with the permission of that team.


6.2 Personal safety equipment may be used on Team incidents and in Team training by an individual for his/her personal protection, but not for that of any group of Team Members nor, specifically, for that of a casualty under the care and supervision of the Team.


6.3 Technical rescue equipment shall be stored exclusively on premises designated for that purpose by the Committee. Such equipment shall not, under any circumstances, be used other than for official Team business.


6.4 Other Team equipment may be borrowed by Members only with the express permission of the Equipment Officer or, in his/her absence, the Team Leader acting in consultation with a member of the Equipment Sub Committee.


6.5 Loan of Team Equipment outside the Team shall be at the joint discretion of the Team Leader and the Equipment Officer.


6.6 Equipment and clothing issued to Team Members remains the property of the Team until such time as the Committee shall instruct otherwise in writing. It must be accounted for and/or returned promptly when requested by the Equipment Officer acting under the direction of the Committee. Such equipment and clothing shall be used only on official Team business.


6.7 Generally, all Full Members will be provided with Personal Communications Equipment (PCE) by the Team. The retention of PCE by Supplementary Members and the issue and retention of PCE by Probationary Members shall be discretionary. The issue, retrieval and re allocation of PCE shall be controlled by the Team Leader.


6.8 Upon receipt of notification of resignation given by a Member in line with clause 3.7 of the Constitution, or upon expulsion of a Member by the Committee, the Committee shall confirm in writing to the Member what Team equipment issued to him/her must be returned and what (if any) might be retained. Equipment shall be returned promptly to the Equipment Officer in accordance with the written instructions of the Committee. All badges, logos and identifying markers relating to the Team shall be removed from any items which the Committee do not seek to retrieve and shall be returned forthwith, unless the Committee gives specific exemption from this requirement in writing.


6.9 Team Equipment shall not be defaced, unless the Committee shall issue specific instructions to the contrary.


6.10 In the event that the Committee shall decide that an item of Team equipment is redundant, or surplus to Team requirements, the Committee shall decide upon its disposal. Such equipment shall not be disposed of to a Third Party unless the motion to do so is supported unanimously by the Committee.


7.0 Training.


7.1 Acting under the general direction of the Committee, the Training Officer shall be responsible for organising training for the Team, in order that it may fulfil its primary objective.


7.2 Team training is an essential part of the commitment required by the Team.
All Members shall endeavour to attend as many training sessions as possible, and in any event not less than the minimum stated in clause 1.1. in any one calendar year. Training shall normally follow the LDSMRA Training Syllabus, but any other syllabus can be substituted at any time, at the option of the Committee.


7.3 Each Full Member shall hold, as a minimum qualification, a current, valid Red Cross Public First Aid Certificate, or equivalent. As from 1 January 1999 any Full Member who does not hold a current First Aid certificate shall automatically be categorised as a Supplementary Member.


7.4 The Training Officer shall ensure that each Full Member shall have the opportunity to renew their First Aid qualification prior to the expiry of their current certificate.


7.5 The Team will endeavour to provide financial support for Full Members wishing to undertake formal instruction outside the Team training structure in skills which the Committee considers would enhance the capability of the Team to fulfill its object. Applications shall be considered by the Training Sub Committee in first instance and then by the Committee. Provision of financial support shall be at the sole discretion of the Committee.


7.6 In the event that financial support is sanctioned in principle, such support of Probationary Members shall be considered only if the place is not required by a Full Member. There is no bar to so doing but the Team will not necessarily support them financially.


7.7 it is the responsibility of the training officer to ensure that those commissioned to run training sessions are competent to do so and that risk assessments in the prescribed format are reviewed or completed by each training session leader before the commencement of the training session. This is particularly important where there may be significant risks associated with the training sessions.



8.0 Press and Publicity: Team Representation.


8.1 Press releases on operational matters shall come only from the Team Leader or his/her deputy.


8.2 Press releases on all other Team affairs shall come only from the Chairperson or, in his/her absence, from the Secretary.



9.0 Vehicles.


9.1 Team Members shall drive within the law:

9.1.1 Team vehicles at all times, and

9.1.2 private vehicles to and from Team incidents.


9.2 Team Members must have attended the driving theory training sessions and passed the practical test as prescribed by the Committee before they are allowed to drive first-response vehicles to rescues. Blue lights and siren may only be used by those who have attended and passed the prescribed practical test for their use.


9.3 Blue lights shall be used in accordance with the law and current Police guidelines but the siren should be used sparingly and only when appropriate.


9.4 Probationary Members are forbidden to drive first response Team vehicles on incidents, unless there is no other driver available and then only if specifically instructed to do so by a Full Member. Probationary Members shall be given ‘trainee driving’ opportunities to drive Team vehicles under the direct supervision of a Full Member in non operational situations as part of their training.


9.5 All Members (full and probationary) must have had two years’ recent driving experience before commencing response driving training. All Members (full and probationary) can only undertake ‘trainee driving’ prior to gaining these two years’ experience if they have previously proved sufficient competence to the satisfaction of the Committee.



10.0 Co opting Personnel on Rescues.


10.1 With the exception of bona fide members of Mountain Rescue Teams affiliated to the MRC, LDSAMRA, or RAF Mountain Rescue Teams, persons who are not Team Members shall not, for insurance reasons, be co opted to assist in Team incidents.



11.0 Commercial Interests.


11.1 Members should not unreasonably use their relationship with the Team to further their own commercial interests. Members should seek guidance from the Committee on specific instances as appropriate. The Committee’s response shall be final and provided in writing.


The role of a Committee Member

Approved, February 2011
Revised, March 2014



Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team (hereafter ‘the Team’) is a registered charity (number 1080132) and a company limited by guarantee (number 03939625).

The Team’s charitable object is to rescue lost, injured or distressed people from mountains and the rural environment.

The Team’s Committee Members are both Trustees of the charitable company for the purposes of charity law and Directors for the purposes of company law.

Committee Members are responsible for the general control and proper administration of the Team, and must accept responsibility for everything that the Team does. They may delegate the exercise of their powers to subcommittees under the powers granted to them by the Team’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, which includes that at least one Committee Member must sit on each subcommittee.

Committee Members have a duty to act collectively. Each Committee Member must play an active role, and no Committee Member should leave decisions to fellow Committee Members. Committee Members act by majority, but all Committee Members must share responsibility for decisions taken unless they make it plain that they disagree with a decision but are overruled.

The prime concern of Committee Members must be the Team’s interests, and they must avoid any conflict between their personal interests and the interests of the Team.

Committee Members must act reasonably, prudently and with integrity at all times and in all matters relating to the administration of the Team. They must avoid undertaking activities that might place the Team’s assets or reputation at undue risk. The general test is the degree of care that may be expected from reasonable men and women of business acting in the management of their own affairs.


Duties of a Committee Member


  1. To ensure that the Team complies with its Memorandum and Articles of Association, Rules & Procedures, Charity law and Company law.
  2. To ensure that the Team complies the law of the land, and specifically with other legislation and regulation that governs the activities of the Team, including its operational and fundraising activities.
  3. To ensure that the Team operates within its charitable object for the benefit of the public.
  4. To ensure that the Team uses its assets and resources only in furtherance of its charitable object.
  5. To ensure the effective and efficient management of the Team.
  6. To contribute actively to the Committee’s role in furtherance of duty 4, above.
  7. To safeguard the good name and reputation of the Team.
  8. To ensure the solvency and financial stability of the Team.
  9. To protect and manage the Team’s assets and to ensure the proper investment of the Team’s funds.
  10. To ensure the orderly and timely production of annual reports on the Team’s achievements, financial accounts and annual returns as required by law.


In addition to the above statutory duties, each Committee Member should make reasonable use of any specific knowledge or experience that he or she may have to help the Committee reach sound decisions. This will involve scrutinising Committee papers, leading discussions, focusing on key issues and providing advice and guidance requested by the Committee on new initiatives or other issues relevant to the area of the Team’s work in which the Committee Member has special expertise.

Where specific knowledge is required but is outwith the collective knowledge of the Committee, where there may be material risk to the Team, or where Committee Members may be in breach of their duties, Committee Members are expected to seek professional or other external advice as appropriate.


Appendix: vulnerable persons policy

Approved, 3 August 2010


The protection of vulnerable people, including children

The work of the Team occasionally brings its Members into contact with vulnerable people, including children.

The safety, security and dignity of all is foremost.

Contact is an operational necessity, but vulnerable people and Team Members need to be reassured that the welfare of all is at heart.

Although currently exempt from the need to carry out Criminal Records Bureau checks on its Members, the Team undertakes a thorough interview, reference and probationary process when recruiting Members.

With respect to the protection of vulnerable people and Team Members, Members should try to avoid being alone with such a vulnerable person, seeking out either another accompanying adult or a more public space.

It is accepted that, for operational and medical reasons, it may be necessary to provide treatment without full written consent. The company of another Team Member should be sought when giving medical treatment if possible.

Where possible, efforts should be made that at least one Team Member present is of the same sex as the vulnerable person.

It is also accepted that, for operational reasons, leaving a vulnerable person in sole company of a Team Member may be unavoidable.