February Committee Meeting

Minutes of Committee meeting

Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team

Tuesday 3rd February 2015, 7.30pm at Lowfold MRT base



* Mark Bains (Chair), Nick Owen (TL) Roger Pickup (Treasurer, DTL), Nick Wright (Training, DTL),

Graham Lobb (Equipment), Jo Dyson, Andy Caple (Secretary DTL), Una Gordon,

Robert Collyer (Comms, vehicles), Alec McCarthy. Neil Bowness


* Sarah Anderson

In attendance

* Johnny Graham


Minutes of last meeting (January 2014)

* Passed. Proposed: Alec. Seconded: Robert.


Matters arising

* Liz and Andy will meet on Friday 6th February to exchange secretarial documentation.

Particularly about AGM. Andy will then meet with Mark re: General arrangements.

ACTION: Andy, Mark and Liz.

* Robert to source laminator pouches and pass them on to Sarah to make the ID cards more resilient.

ACTION: Robert and Sarah.

* Neil was welcomed to his first meeting by chair



* None


Team members business

* Recruitment Update (Una).

There has been some response. Two interviewed and two more in the pipeline. See training.

* CC revision in MR.

Update 4500 printed over the last two years. Edition 5 distributed to Scotland (1080) and more MREW teams. List available from Andy if required.

Website. Explore the possibility through MREW of holding an electronic (PDF) copy on the MREW website. ACTION: Andy

* Hypothermia protocol. This is now on the MREW website.

* Training website. Better information management system and sustainability by creating our own website. Approx. £100 per year. Neil given the go-ahead to do this. This will be linked to the LAMRT site. ACTION: Neil


* ICO Registration: Information Commissioners office. Team needs to register to protect confidentiality of information so police can hand over sensitive information in the pursuance of completing MR work effectively. Small group to be set up (6), Mark to look up current regulations and then meet as a group to discuss. Group will consist of. Mark, Nick O, Roge, Nick W Robert and Andy as the main trustees that hold information.

ACTION: Mark then the remaining 5


* £400 donated to the team. Mark gave a talk about the team at a private birthday party held at High close (Langdale YHA)



* AGM date 24th March. Andy to liaise with Mark and Liz. Graham to organise food. Burky to organise PowerPoint presentation. ACTION: Andy, Liz, Mark, Burky and Graham


* Investment subcommittee terms of reference: (Attached). ACTION: Mark to send to Andy.

* Co-option of additional subcommittee members: To be co-opted from outside whenever the expertise is not available within the team".

* Accounts attached.

* Volunteer to take on administration of Charity Choice website thank you letters. Alec has volunteered to do this. Roge to liaise with Alec. ACTION: Roge and Alec

* Mark and Roge need to talk to Saint & Co about the proposed designated funds before the AGM.

ACTION: Roge and Mark


Team Leader

* Cas care LAMRT policy to be held over to March or a near future meeting. We have enough information for the forthcoming MREW meeting. ACTION: Nick O attending

Clarification of the message that is given to new recruits:

New recruits will be required to have a current and relevant 1st aid certificate.

ACTION: Andy has changed article 1.4.1 in:

Rules and Procedures Approved in February 2008

Last amended and adopted in February 2015

* SAR-H PPE and other issues.

Goggles that are team issue are fine to be used under the aircraft

Robert has requested to replace existing ear plugs with more ergonomically designed ones when current stock runs out.

IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL TEAM MEMBERS: Please make sure that you carry the issued protective glasses and earplugs as part of your standard hill going kit. If you do not have these for any reason then see Neil or Andy for protective glasses. Ear plugs are in a box on the bench in the inner hall outside the kit room/garage/radio room. If you find yourself without these on a job or whilst training then do not enter the downdraft area of any helicopter.


* On the same subject we have a duty of care to protect the casualty.

ACTION: Graham to put glasses and ear plugs in the helicopter strop bag on all stretchers.

* This month there was a table top exercise to test the resilience of the silver/gold tactical operational group. This went reasonably well with some areas identified for future development and refinement.

Personnel Issues

* None



* AED locations. Mark to complete the synopsis and then the principle will be discussed at a future meeting. (Probably March). ACTION: Mark

Feedback from Sarah indicated that the National Trust would be willing to enter into partnership with us in the provision of suitable site/s.

* Mannequins. Proposal 1 accepted:

To provide the team with up to date mannequins and CPR monitoring equipment.

ACTION: Les and Neil

* Max D torches have now arrived for all team members. ACTION: Graham

* We will buy 2 x 200mtr lengths of ropes. These will be bagged separately from other crag rescue equipment and will only be taken on the hill if specifically required/requested.

Proposed: Nick O Seconded: Graham. ACTION: Graham


* Robert is continuing to roll out new comms equipment. Keep a look out in your email box for regular updates from Robert. Thanks to Robert’s son who has been very supportive to ‘dad’ through this process.

* Robert to go on a Simoco course sometime in the future. ACTION: Robert



* Progress on vehicle manager:

Robert to explore the possibility of a job share with a single point of contact.

ACTION: Robert

* All vehicles passed their PCV tests

* All vehicles should now make noise as all the electronics have been replaced

* Any knowledge of the dent in the bonnet or broken spotlight on Mobile 1?


There have recently been one or two instances of equipment being lost, damaged or just left in the bottom of a damp rucksack after use; either in training or on rescues. Please take a little time and care in the use and restocking of all equipment to make sure that we (the team and you) are operationally ‘ready to go’ at any time.



* Nick W has seen six team members that have, for a variety of reasons, been unable to fulfil the training or operational required numbers last year. People are the team’s most valuable resource and should be treated as such. These six people will for the time being be on the supplementary list. All this means is that their operational hill going kit will not be replaced. They are still important members of the team and in some cases are playing a very valuable if slightly changed role. They will all be placed back on the full team member list as soon as possible with our support and encouragement.

Gareth Sutton has decided to step down from the team. We wish him well and he will be very welcome to re-apply in the future should his situation change.

* Two new trainees been interviewed. One was not suitable and the second will apply again in the near future when fully fit.

* Two more applicants to be seen in the near future.

* Martin Kenyon to be a full team member as from tonight. We would like to welcome Martin back to the team. ACTION: Andy to notify.

* SWT course on the 27th-29th March. Anyone interested please express interest to Nick W.




Base issues

* Thanks to Pete for the work that he has done in refitting the lead flashing to the front of the building.

* Door closer/lock open device to be fitted to the kitchen door. ACTION: Neil and Nick O


Any other business

* Team breakfast in March agreed, Una to sort a date convenient to all.

ACTION: Una, Catherine and Caroline


Meeting closed at: 2150


Date of next meeting: Tuesday 3rd March 2015